We're hosting a Network.
Connect with other individuals to live, laugh and love together by playing and creating in one place!
We try our best to keep everything fair and safe.
Please consider joining our Discord to keep up as we will considered a rebranding to highlight some of the most important features we offer.
The idea behind all of this, is one day to afford running the service, by only using funds and traffic, instead of ads.
Creating a nice overview about what we have to read, show and participate. That's all, lets start browsing!
Some of the following projects, we're currently working on down below
We're happy to provide, announce and promote our Support feature. Making it easy for Members and Participants to ask a simple question, subscribe to newsletter, contact other members or suggesting any new features.
While we're trying our best to provide a safe space for diverse people, we also plan to support and provide information & resources about diversity & LGBTQIA+, what it is, in all its variety and forms with specialized partners in the future. Which also means we do not tolerate any harassment or differ treatment no matter what origin nor sexuality.
We want to make it as easy as possible to stay connected between Members.
Tolerance outside of this community is much appreciated.
We create a versatile game.
Anyone can add content to it as long as it's safe.
Please Contact us, if you notice something unusual or find a missing feature.
Here will be our newest & recent added Site displayed
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